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iAbode:  Real Estate Acquisition through Community Voting.

This whitepaper presents iAbode, an innovative project that revolutionizes the real estate industry by leveraging blockchain technology, community voting, and profit-sharing mechanisms. iAbode aims to democratize real estate investment by enabling individuals to collectively purchase, remodel, and sell properties through transparent decision-making processes. The iAbode platform introduces the iAbode token, which provides holders with benefits such as profit-sharing through token airdrops, discounted property purchases, with a 5% buy and sales tax to fund property acquisition and maintenance. This document provides a comprehensive overview of iAbode, including its underlying technology, governance model, economic incentives, and the transformative impact it offers to participants.

Done Deal

Table of contents

1. Introduction

2. Technology

3. Community Voting Process

4. Decision-Making Mechanism

5. Economic Incentives

6. Token Utility and Rewards

7. Investment Returns

8. Staking and Governance Tokens

9. Real Estate Acquisition Process

10. Property Selection

11. Ownership Distribution

12. Property Remodeling and Sale

13. Community Voting for Remodeling Projects

14. Property Sale at Market Value

15. Profit-Sharing through Token Airdrops

16. Discounted Property Purchase Option

17. Exclusive Discount for iAbode Token Holders

18. Token Holder Benefits and Flexibility

19. Funding the Property Acquisition

20. Introduction - iAbode Buy and Sales Tax

21. Community Engagement

22. Participation Benefits

23. Education and Awareness Programs

24. Community Growth and Rewards

25. Roadmap

26. Milestones and Timeline

27. Project Expansion and Scaling

28. Conclusion

29. Summary of the iAbode Project

30. Future Outlook

1. Introduction

1.1 In the iAbode platform, community voting plays a crucial role in property purchasing and remodeling decisions. After a property is purchased, remodeled and sold at market value, it is essential to incentivize token holders and promote further engagement within the ecosystem. To achieve this, iAbode introduces a profit-sharing mechanism and a discounted property purchase option for token holders.

1.2 Problem Statement: Traditional real estate investment models lack incentives for token holders and often exclude them from participating in the profits generated by property sales. Additionally, there is limited flexibility for token holders to utilize their tokens within the platform.

1.3 Solution Overview: To address these challenges, iAbode introduces a profit-sharing model and a discounted property purchase option for token holders. After a property is remodeled and sold at market value, profits will be distributed to token holders via an airdrop of iAbode tokens. Furthermore, token holders will have the opportunity to purchase properties using iAbode tokens with a 10% discount off the market value, providing an additional benefit and utility for token ownership.

1.4 Property Remodeling and Sale: The community will vote on property remodeling projects, enhancing the value of the property. After the property is sold at market value, the generated profits will be calculated.

1.5 Airdrop of iAbode Tokens: The profits generated from property sales will be distributed to token holders proportionally through an airdrop of iAbode tokens. The more tokens a holder possesses, the greater their share of the profit distribution.

1.6 Property Listing: Properties available for purchase within the iAbode platform will be listed at their market value.

1.7 Token Holder Discount: iAbode token holders will have the exclusive opportunity to purchase properties using iAbode tokens at a discounted price, set at 10% below the market value. This incentivizes token holders and provides a tangible benefit for using the iAbode token for property acquisitions.

1.8 Incentivized Token Holdings: The profit-sharing mechanism ensures that token holders benefit directly from property sales, promoting continued engagement and participation within the iAbode ecosystem.

1.9 Enhanced Utility of iAbode Tokens: The discounted property purchase option provides a tangible benefit for token holders, encouraging them to utilize their tokens within the platform and further driving the adoption of iAbode tokens.

1.10 Increased Liquidity: The profit-sharing mechanism and discounted property purchase option create additional liquidity for token holders, allowing them to convert their tokens into profits or tangible assets within the iAbode ecosystem.

1.11 Conclusion: By introducing a profit-sharing mechanism and a discounted property purchase option for token holders, iAbode enhances the value and utility of the iAbode token within the ecosystem. Token holders have the opportunity to earn profits from property sales through an airdrop of iAbode tokens, incentivizing their continued engagement. Additionally, the discounted property purchase option provides exclusive benefits to token holders, enabling them to acquire properties at a discounted rate. These features contribute to the overall attractiveness and viability of the iAbode platform, fostering an engaged and thriving community of real estate investors.

2. Technology:

2.1 iAbode leverages advanced technologies to create a secure, transparent, and efficient platform for real estate acquisition. The key technological components of iAbode include:

2.2 Blockchain Infrastructure: iAbode utilizes a robust blockchain infrastructure, often built on a decentralized network, to ensure trust, immutability, and transparency in property transactions.  By utilizing blockchain technology, iAbode eliminates the need for intermediaries and central authorities, enabling direct peer-to-peer interactions..

2.3 Tokenomics: The iAbode token serves as the native cryptocurrency within the iAbode ecosystem. It is designed to facilitate various functions, including property purchases, participation in community voting, and as a means of value exchange within the platform. The tokenomics of iAbode are carefully structured to align incentives and rewards for token holders, ensuring the growth and sustainability of the ecosystem. The iAbode token may operate on a blockchain platform that supports smart contracts, such as Ethereum or other compatible networks.

The combination of blockchain infrastructure, smart contracts, and the iAbode token forms a powerful technological framework that enables secure, transparent, and efficient real estate transactions within the iAbode platform. This technology stack ensures the integrity of property records, automates processes, eliminates intermediaries, and empowers participants to engage in property acquisition and decision-making with confidence and trust.

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